Mila’s quote of the day:
“Free yourself from complexities and dramas. Simplify. Look within. And do not forget: No matter how hard you try, you can never please everyone. So let go, follow your heart, make the most of every day and be proud of who you are!”
Mark Whitwell @ ATHAYOGA
My kind of International Yoga Day!
What a magic moment to chant this mantra with Mark Whitwell at the studio today.
“ATHA YOGAnushasanam” Continue Reading…
Kevin James | Chanting Circle
Getting ready for tonight! Chanting Circle with @kevinjamesheartsongs & @roland_fischer Come and join us! 19h30 @athayoga zollikon
Flashback Yoga Conference
Der Trailer der Swiss Yoga Conference steht bereit! Wir hoffen, ihr könnt mit diesem Trailer nachempfinden, wie schön es für uns alle war! Danke an Hie Kim für dieses schöne Video!
Move Smarter – Breathe Deeper – Live More
S.Y.C. Fotos
ZURICH!!! This was just AMAZING! A Weekend we will never forget!
Words can’t describe how HAPPY & THANKFUL we are!
Mila’s advise
“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”