
All posts in “Vergangene Events”

Bryan Kest’s Power Yoga

„Kindness is power: the power to help someone, the power to move someone, the power to inspire someone. When you start being kind to one single person, you never know how far that spark will go.“ Continue Reading…

19 GOALS in 2019 at lululemon Zurich

Thank you to @lululemon for hosting this inspiring event tonight and providing a space for growth – the personal growth within ourselves and for the entire community together! Continue Reading…

40h ATHAYOGA Training abgeschlossen

“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.” Continue Reading…


„Mögest Du glücklich sein. Mögest Du Dich immer sicher und geborgen fühlen. Mögest Du gesund sein. Mögest Du mit Leichtigkeit und Liebe durchs Leben gehen.“

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S.Y.C. Fotos

ZURICH!!! This was just AMAZING! A Weekend we will never forget!
Words can’t describe how HAPPY & THANKFUL we are!

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Yoga weekend Ftan

„Den Garten des Paradieses betritt man nicht mit den Füssen, sondern mit dem Herzen.“

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Yogaferien St. Antönien

Was für ein wunderbares Wochenende! Shiny, Exciting and Cosy! Tolle Gruppe, schöner Ort, viel Yoga, viel Sonne und Schnee, schöne Gespräche und gemütliches beisammen SEIN…vielen vielen herzlichen Dank an alle Yogi(ni)s die dabei waren! Es hat so viel Spass gemacht mit Euch!

Love & Light

Carolina & Roland

Petros Haffenrichter

Petros Haffenrichter

Thank you my dear friend Petros for this beautiful Day full of Yoga and Inspiration!

Bahar Yilmaz Yoga

Bahar Yilmaz

Danke für das schöne, inspirierende Weekend meine Liebe! Es ist immer schön dich bei uns zu haben!

Yoga für Einsteiger

Yoga für Einsteiger

Beginners Yoga Workshop with Carolina Fischer
“atha yoga anusasanam”
Now! The beginning, an intention, a commitment to ourselves, to the practice and study of yoga. Being in the now.  Joining ourselves in union through yoga.

Nächster Einsteiger Kurs

Groovy Kids

What amazing, heart-touching, inspiring 3 days we had!
Thank you so much dear Greville for the training, for sharing your huge knowledge, your passion and experiences with us!
We had a really GROOVY Time – Learning and sharing with you all! Thank You ♡

GroovyKids GroovyKids GroovyKids



Karls Birthday

Happy Birthday dear Karl

Thank You for the beautiful, inspiring and fun Workshop today! Thank for sharing your knowledge, love and wisdom.

And for sharing your BIG DAY with us!

Om Tryambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvaarukamiva bandhanaan
Mrityormukshiya maamritaat.

YOGA Cruise 2015

athayoga ahoy! Cruising a fantastic week! So much fun we had! A family magic week! We are so grateful for the week we spent together!

Kevin James Caroll

Heart Chanting Circle

What a beautiful Heart Chanting Circle! It was Magic!!! Pure Bliss!
Thank You dear Kevin, thank you to my dear Hubby for the beautiful evening and energy!


We had an amazing Time! Here some sweet memories athayoga Retreat Ftan, Engadin 2015

Thank You to you all! See You all soon!

Ps. The dates for the athayoga Ftan Retreats 2016 coming soon!


Slow Down & Let Go with Carolina

“Holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath. You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever.” ― Deepak Chopra

Today’s Slow Down & Let Go Masterclass!  Thanks for sharing Your Energy tonight! Love Carolina

Workshop wekend

Great athayoga Weekend

What a beautiful busy Weekend at athayoga zurich and zollikon!

Beginners Workshop
Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training
Chakra Yoga Workshop
Bhakti Vocal Workshop
Sitar & Tabla Concert

Wohoo,  Love and Light  Good night everyone!

The Munich Sessions 2014

Our Weekend in Munich! Wonderful Happy Time!